Instructional Video Production

Sole Contributer

Student Project

Objective: Clearly communicate a highly technical set process with sensitivity to shot composition, editing, and transitions in film. The main challenge was to make the information as engaging as possible while still communicating effectively. My solution was to frame the information in the style of a nature documentary to make it entertaining.


While working on this project it was my goal to best emulate the narration style of David Attenborough, a popular voice actor for nature documentaries.  One of most important aspect of this project was to create a professional narration.

My first idea was to try it myself. Unfourtunately this was a horrible idea so it was back to the drawing board. Online I found a voice impressionist with amazing quality but a high cost. I was forced to continue my search.

Then, I discovered Eleven Labs. An artificial intelligence tool where users can synthesize a custom voice. I experimented and found that the generated voices were unconvincing. To counter this I used some audio mixing to slow down the voice and change the pitch, then fed it back into the AI to regenerate a new voice that sounded much better.

But Wait There's MORE

McLegoExhibit Design

ProduceLogo Design

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ClickPoster Design